EV Charging Point


Electric Vehicles from Grid to Wheel

E-mobility and electric vehicles (EVs) are the focus of the automotive industry and governments alike. With advances in battery storage technology alongside choice, availability, and affordability, it sees EV purchases soaring and mass adoption a real possibility. It means EV charging, both public, commercial and private installations, is a booming industry.


The immediately identifiable element of EVs and PHEVs is often the robust trailing charging cable with the EV connector socket, but the charging point itself and the connection to the wider grid network is key to the infrastructure that supports these vehicles. As a leading voice in the e-mobility cable industry, Eland Cables’ solutions encompass grid-to-car.

Eland Cables works with charging point manufacturers, cable harnessing houses and approved installers alike to provide cable solutions that support the complete cycle of EV charging and are actively developing solutions that meet the changing and technologically evolving EV industry.

Electric Vehicle Cable Solutions


E-mobility combines the EV itself with the infrastructure to support practical everyday use. It starts with the underlying electricity grid network and runs through to the car itself. Whether required to use DNO specific cables for the grid connections, building onto a private network, or operating in a region with other wiring regulations, we can supply power distribution cables for both Medium Voltage and Low Voltage connections to support integration of the chargepoints into the electricity infrastructure. Similarly, we can support requirements from the chargepoint across to the car - including battery storage technology cables such as the FHLR91XC13X. Meeting all relevant standards, they are designed to minimise transmission losses from point of generation to the point of distribution.

E-Mobility EV Chargepoint Cable Connections

The 350kW ultra-rapid DC charger network is fast spreading across the UK and Europe, designed to enable drivers to recharge their electric vehicles in under 20 minutes. Conservative estimates anticipated an initial installation of a minimum 40 rapid charge sites across the UK and a further 400 sites across Europe last year and significant numbers from 2021 onwards. A planned European EV network totalling circa 2400 chargers is currently underway. It’s a network that will only expand as uptake increases. These ultra-rapid DC chargers require EV DC cables such as our EV Connect cable designed with this application specifically in mind.

Rapid charging, whether on garage forecourts or motorways services for now remain the exception rather than the rule. Commercial chargepoints on streets, in carparks, or at office complexes are more common, covering Mode 4 charging and using the Mode 4 DC charging cable. Whether the manufacturer of one of the many brands of charging unit on the market - PodPoint, Delta, RolecEV and BP Chargemaster to name a few – or as an approved installer you will recognise that the performance of the unit is intrinsically linked to the quality and performance of the cables connecting them. 

Whilst predominantly working on Mode 4 commercial and industrial charging solutions, the domestic and light industrial charging units using Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode 3 charging – and often H05BZ5-F & H07BZ5-F cables - also play a role in e-mobility. Not every electric vehicle owner can charge their car at home on a domestic connection, but those that do can benefit from trickle feed, using power at cheaper times of the day or even self-generated from solar PVs and stored via batteries. For those who can install at home, the dul function of power and data for CT monitoring from our EV ProInstall Cable is also now an option.

Our charging portfolio offers solutions for every installation, with many cables available from stock in the commonly cited cross-sectional core sizes.

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