Quality Accreditations
ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification
First awarded: 1995. This international quality management standard is designed to promote good business practice and ensure that products and services meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.ISO 14001 Environmental Certification
First awarded: 2008. Achieving this environmental management award, which looks at ways to identify, control and monitor the environmental aspects of an organisation, Eland Cables has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable working.ISO 17025 UKAS Accredited Laboratory
The Eland Cables Lab is a recognised centre of excellence for the testing and inspection of cables, holding ISO 17025 UKAS Accredited Laboratory certification. We are the only UK cable supplier holding this accreditation, giving assurance of our integrity and impartiality in compliance testing and inspection.ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Certification
First awarded: 2024 - An internationally recognised accreditation for our owned delivery fleet, recognising the high standards we maintain in this important element of our customer service commitment.ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management
ISO 45001:2018 certification awarded for our commitment to Occupational Health & Safety Management. New standard, supersedes OHSAS 18001. First awarded 2020.ISO 50001 Energy Management Certification
First awarded: 2023. This international energy management standard is operated in conjunction with our environmental management, health & safety, and wider ESG policies to support our drive to greater sustainability.